
Qoobee comic 050719 1
Qoobee comic 050719 1
Qoobee comic 050719 2
Qoobee comic 050719 2
Qoobee comic 050719 3
Qoobee comic 050719 3
Qoobee comic 050719 4
Qoobee comic 050719 4
Qoobee comic 050719 5
Qoobee comic 050719 5
Qoobee comic 050719 6
Qoobee comic 050719 6

It’s hard not to care about other people’s views towards you in today’s society. However if you could achieve that, it would be the ultimate happiness that only you could feel.

#qoobeeagapi #qoobeecomic #angelcomic #greenie
